
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Reader's Recipe to Proper Hallucination

When I was a small child, full of aspirations, imaginations, and dreams, my *insert relative* would treat me with this recipe. After playing in the fields all day, I would run back inside to our old wooden stove, and take in the fresh, familiar, and crispy aroma of my *inserts relatives* specialty. Everybody’s eyes can’t help but sweep over the precisely cut layers and take in the symmetrical markings. This generational secret not only carries varieties of meanings with every individual one, but it also surpasses all typical size, shape, and time limitations. It has been passed down through our family for generations, along with a little phrase: “Fill your eyes, fill your mind”. After the recent decease of my *insert relative*, I thought there would be no better way to remember *insert relative* than to share this recipe, in hope others find the same comfort and reminder of home that we do. Please help us continue this generational tradition. A Reader's Recipe to Proper Halluci

Restart by Connor Guarnieri

       Throughout this year, I have read many books, mostly dystopian and mystery, but today I want to take a step back for my final blog and write about a new genre. I remember picking this book up because my 6th-grade teacher recommended it to me. I've heard of the author before and seen some of his other books, but have never actually read one of them. So I thought I should check it out.      Restart is a realistic fiction book, centered around a main character named Chase. To be right, this kid is an asshole. He has bad friends, he bullies people, intimidates them, and hurts them. But he is a star football player, he has well-respected parents, and whoever doesn't hate him already, loves him. Chase believes he has the perfect life, and is being offered some scholarships for his athletic talents. But it all comes crashing down, literally. He, being a reckless moron, falls off headfirst of his roof, suffering brain damage. He becomes an amnesiac and forgets about everything a