Red Queen


Red Queen is a YA fantasy novel written by Victoria Aveyard. It takes place in the Kingdom of Norta in 320, New Era. It tells the story of Mare Barrow, a 17 year old girl who discovers that she has the abilities of the higher class silvers, even thought she was born red. She lives in a society where status is determined by the color of your blood. Red blooded people are commoners and do all the work, while silver-blooded people, rich and wealthy, are royals that rule and carry special powers. The silvers infuriate Mare. How could a world like this be fair?

While her brothers are away serving in the continuing war for the Silvers, Mare, a Red, lives in the Stilts with her younger sister, mother, and father. Mare spends her days in the Stilts with her best friend Kilorn while they wait for the day the are conscripted to war at 18. One day, she is taken away one day to work for the King. Despite having red blood, Mare learns while working for silvers that she has a Silver power of her own. She is hidden in plain sight of everyone by the King, who is scared of what she could do and become. She is betrothed to his youngest son Maven, but her love belongs to his older brother Cal. Mare, who is stuck in the world of silvers as a red, must use her new position and power to finally change Norta and create equality. 

But she has to always remember, anyone can betray anyone.

The whole Red Queen series has always been a favorite in collection and it's just ugh. I can never not stop thinking about it. Just this book in general is amazing and I love it because it contains small aspects from dystopian novels to fantasy novels in one. Overall the story line of this book was unique and amazing (I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of Princes and Princesses with super powers?) It also had a lot of twists and turns throughout the story but it's so good you'll be craving to read the second book as soon as you're done with the first. I recommend to anyone with the interest of dystopian novels as well some romance. Or really anyone I promise you will really like it. 

-Lynn Lee


  1. Nice review! You did a good job with the story summary and describing certain details. I'll make sure to check it out!

  2. I've wanted to read this book for the longest time, and your review makes it even more interesting! You did a great job explaining the plot and the main problem, and I can't help wondering what happens to Mare now. Your writing is also really funny and relatable! This book seems super good, and I will definitely give it a read :)

  3. I like how you described the book in detail and explained why you really liked it. Good job!

  4. I like how you described why you liked the book. This book seems really interesting! Good job! :)

  5. I've heard about this book before ,but I've never really looked into it. Even the book cover is eye-catching. This book seems great!


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