
Showing posts from October, 2022

A sequel better than the original?

After reading The Inheritance Games I wouldn’t say I was disappointed, but it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. It was a basic teenage novel, nothing special. It wasn’t anything special, but good enough that a week later, I picked up the next book in the series. The Hawthorne Legacy changed my whole perspective of the series. Usually, especially in a three-book series, the second book is the worst. You have the hook, the first book, the finale, the third book, and the buildup nothing much, book two. My problem with the first book was the plot. Simplistic, predictable, nothing special, especially given the expected twists and turns with the plot base of a multibillion dollar will spinning out of control. But the second book? It took a puzzle game some old man left for his grandchildren into a multi decade mystery. A long though dead uncle… alive? A hidden Hawthorne child? Attempted murder, by who? Reading the last 50 pages, my mind was blown. It went from a reading because I hav

Jurassic Park: Book vs Movie - Connor Guarnieri

           Almost everyone has heard of the franchise of Jurassic Park. It is a massive money making series that has many unneeded sequels. But most people never knew that this started as a book. Even I never knew this until I found it on the shelf in my grandparents house. This book became my all time favorite ever since I read it. At the time, I was about 10-9 years old, the ripe age for a young and impressionable mind to be force fed gory scenes and triceratops feeding patterns. It was like a dream come true for little me. I did have to beg my parents to allow me to read it, though, so this novel is not for the faint of heart. I would classify it as young adult, or maybe adult.               A series of attacks in Costa Rica led by small unknown lizards and a suspicious backhoe death lead scientists to discover a "new" lizard never seen before. Meanwhile, Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are invited to a mysterious island called Isla Nublar, or "Island in the Clouds". T

Glass Sword

  SPOILERS AHEAD!! Glass Sword is the second book following the Red Queen series.  It tells the story of Mare Barrow, a 17 year old girl who discovers that she has the abilities of the higher class silvers, even thought she was born red. She lives in a society where status is determined by the color of your blood. Red blooded people are commoners and do all the work, while silver-blooded people, rich and wealthy, are royals that rule and carry special powers. The silvers infuriate Mare. She joins the Scarlet Guard, a rebel group against silvers. But after Maven's betrayal she is more lost when her and Cal is rescued by not only the Scarlet Guard, but her brother Shade, that she thought had died in the frontlines. As Mare tries to comes to her senses, Maven start his attacks as his attempts to find her. But Mare, Cal, Kilorn, and many others have already started to find people like Mare. Red and silver blooded in one, the newbloods. Mare still holds dearly the list that Julian gav