Glass Sword


Glass Sword is the second book following the Red Queen series.  It tells the story of Mare Barrow, a 17 year old girl who discovers that she has the abilities of the higher class silvers, even thought she was born red. She lives in a society where status is determined by the color of your blood. Red blooded people are commoners and do all the work, while silver-blooded people, rich and wealthy, are royals that rule and carry special powers. The silvers infuriate Mare. She joins the Scarlet Guard, a rebel group against silvers. But after Maven's betrayal she is more lost when her and Cal is rescued by not only the Scarlet Guard, but her brother Shade, that she thought had died in the frontlines. As Mare tries to comes to her senses, Maven start his attacks as his attempts to find her. But Mare, Cal, Kilorn, and many others have already started to find people like Mare. Red and silver blooded in one, the newbloods. Mare still holds dearly the list that Julian gave her, but she's worried Maven might beat her to finding them. 
During the whole journey on to find the lost newbloods, Mare is scared of what she is and what she could become. A monster, just like Maven had turned. This novel jumps deeper into what Mare's world as she tries to find others of her kind in order to defeat the growing power and domination of the silvers.

I personally found this book better than the first because you get a better understanding of what Mare feels and makes you get closer with the character. Throughout this novel it focuses on loyalty and relationships, with Mare trying to rebuild her relationships after many people had broken her trust before. It's such a good book and puts you on a bit of an emotional ride, but I just love how the book is written out. Fighting moments with Kilorn then to some fun time with Cal. This book is perfect for anyone that likes romance and fantasy but I strongly recommend to start with Red Queen because a lot of stuff isn't going to make sense.

Thanks for reading! 

-Lynn Lee


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