King's Cage


King's Cage is the third book following the Red Queen series. King's Cage starts where Glass Sword left off and Mare is imprisoned to Maven in an attempt to save her friends. Maven meets the Lakelander king and marries the princess of the Lakelands. Many of the noble households of Norta are getting tired and angry with Maven and act against him. But as Maven and Iris tie the knot of the 2 kingdoms, the Scarlet Guard shows up to save Mare and the other newbloods that were held prisoners at Whitefire palace. Evangeline and her family take refuge in the Rift, where they want to establish their own independent kingdom. For a while, Mare practices with the rebels in hiding as the army of Maven prepares to invade Corvium and retake it from the Guard. With the assistance of the noble houses in rebellion, the Guard defends it. After the war, a meeting is held when it is revealed that the noble houses want Cal to rule Norta and that he must marry Evangeline in order to unite the two kingdoms. Cal and Mare decide to part ways as they do what is best for themselves. 

After reading, King's Cage is probably the most deep and contradictory book in the whole series. The first half of the book was unbearably slow and made me wonder why I still reading the words on the page. BUT in the second half it all made sense why those long pages were needed because it helped understand the characters and set base for what was going to come next. I knew this book would focus on Maven and I was right. Aveyard shows us the boy under the villian's mask. Who he truly is deep down, the beautiful, tragic, tormented villain who fell in love with the wrong girl. But sadly in the end what he feels for her is not love it is an illness, a sick obsession. I think in this book Aveyard purposely twisted Cal to make readers love him less and yes I was getting a little tired of him. He can't make good decisions and gets pushed over by Mare because of how much loves her. Everyone does have their weaknesses and that is why I still stand #teamcal. 

And relating off from Cal, I would like to mention a few things on Evangeline Samos. I ACTUALLY FEEL SO BAD FOR HER. She was supposed to be queen in the first book, then oops, Mare messes up everything and Cal is off bye bye with her! Then second book, she was supposed to be queen and marry Maven but then oops, Mare comes in with her army of newbloods and there's a war! Fun! Then in this book, she's still planned to marry Maven but no, he wants to marry the princess of the Lakelands. 3 TIMES. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THEY TO DO THAT TO HER. I mean sure, she was really  mean and shitty to Mare for like the whole series, but all she ever wanted was to make her family proud. #justiceforevangeline.

Thank you for reading my review and yes, this book is perfect for anyone that likes romance and fantasy but I strongly STRONGLY recommend to start with Red Queen because a lot of stuff isn't going to make sense.

-Lynn Lee


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