Lost World: Jurassic Park Pt. 2 by Connor Guarnieri

    After I discovered Jurassic Park at my grandparents house, I searched for anything to satisfy my dinosaur craving. I looked far and wide until I found out that Jurassic Park had a lesser known sequel, adapted into a pathetic film. I was intrigued. Hoping that the writer would offer a clean narrative on the repercussions of the disaster in the last book, I picked it up and read. 

    Years after the disaster on Isla Nublar, Ian Malcolm, the mathematician that survived the events of the last book, is trying to hide his knowledge of the park. Not only is Malcolm trying to hide something, but the Costa Rican government must cover up the suspicious prehistoric lizards wash up on the shore, and the reports of strange animals.  But when an increasingly determined scientist searches for clues, and suspects Malcolm knows something, he decides to visit the island that seemingly has everything to do with it. On this island he discovers the buried horrors of the island, and must be rescued by Malcolm and his crew. Dr. Thorne, an intelligent scientist, Eddie, his assistant, Arby and Kelly, two excelling kids that sneak aboard the mission, and Sarah Harding a biologist. Meanwhile, an evil corporation called Biosyn, wants the dinosaurs for their own profit. So the main characters must deal with the greed of Biosyn, mysteries of the island, and the carnivorous animals that threaten their lives.


    I really like this book. It's funny, interesting, intense, mysterious and entertaining. The characters are interesting, and it seems to fit in really well as a sequel to the first. While this isn't as good as the first, it is still a worthwhile read. (You probably should read the book first, so you don't get confused). I liked how they didn't bring back the main character from the last book, and instead focused on the side character.  There were a lot of parallels to the last book, which really bothered me. Like two naive kids being helped by an older, smarter idol, and how a vehicle dangles from a cliff with some vital characters trapped inside, how Ian Malcolm got injured a second time and had to be carried around and dinosaurs chasing people in vehicles. Overall, this is a good read and I think you should check it out.


  1. Hi Connor, I enjoyed reading your book review! The image did give me a bit of a jumpscare lol. I liked how you formatted it as first, why you got into it, second, a summary so the reader could be caught up with the plot and all that and third, what you thought about it.

  2. I like Jurassic Park books as well, so it's nice to hear your thoughts about this one. I think this review is really good and does a great job of getting the reader excited to read the book and find out more about it.

  3. Hi Connor,
    I've only ever heard of the Jurassic park movies but this seems very interesting as well. The movies are great and now I'll know to look out for a book to go with it.

  4. I have always loved dinosaurs and I have watched ever jurassic park movie many times each. I always felt that the second wasn't as good as the other two, but now that I know that the book is better, I may just have to check this book out.

  5. Your description of this book is interesting and it sounds like a very exciting book. I liked how you put a story of how you found the book at the start.


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