Madeline Miller is a genius

 So I started The Song of Achilles because it was one of the most recommended books, but I finished it because it was one of the most captivating books I’ve ever read. 

You fall in love with all the characters, then they will be genius-ly destroyed. Right off the bat I loved the main character, Patroclus, and the way he spoke was a bit detached but very metaphorical and descriptive. The author includes some ancient Greek into the dialogues, and weaves the setting and plot into the narration so well, she makes it all seem real. I instantly felt invested in Patroclus, and soon Achilles. I basked in the sun of their youth and young love, but all throughout there was a sense of nostalgia in Patroclus’ narration. 

Their epic love could never survive. The same differences in roles, the same glorious setting, the excitement and energy of their youth, the same problems that made them so awesome, will also ruin them. She rips her characters to the next setting right after they get comfortable, and she always gives you a taste of how broken they are without each other. Every part of their personalities and background, every encounter and every detail, leads up to the ending, when it all pops like a ketchup packet- with red everywhere. 

I guess you could call it predictable, but it's a delicious blend of war and tragedy and beauty. Even though you know it won’t end well, you never know exactly what’s gonna happen next, and the pure poeticness and perfectly painted world is reason enough. 

I cannot recommend this book enough. Go read it. Have fun! You will cry.


  1. I don't think I've ever read a book like this one, but this outline of the book raises my interests. I'm ready to see how this story goes into detail.

  2. Hi Sophia, I've seen this book sitting around my house for a few years, but I've never actually started reading it. The way you describe how heart-wrenching and emotionally damaging seems something that you would enjoy reading.

  3. Hi Sopha!
    I am so happy you read and liked this book! Madeline Miller is a really talented writer and I actually just posted a review on her other book 'Circe'. I really like how enthusiastic and creative your reviews are. Great job!


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