
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Hunger Games Book Review by Connor Guarnieri

          The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is one of the best, if not the best dystopian novel to date. Not only has the book achieved a massive following either from the countless sequels or spinoffs, but by the major motion picture as well. Hunger Games has no doubt earned its popularity, but in the off chance that you haven't heard of it, I suggest you to read it.        After what seems to be a third world war that destroys all the nations, one rises up from the ashes and unifies it all, calling it the Capitol. In the Capitol there are 13 districts, and each are in charge of manufacturing some item to give back to the Capitol. As time goes on, people rebel and almost overthrow the Capitol. But when District 13 is destroyed, the Capitol gains back control. As punishment for these crimes, they require each District to give two people, one girl and one boy, to fight annually in a fight to the death, which is broadcasted live to all Districts. Fast forward to now, with the main

Book I found in the dumpster

Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger  is very ironic, and I finished it not really knowing what it was really about. It follows a young boy living in about 1590, during the Scientific Revolution (before the Enlightenment). In my opinion, the setting reflects a lot of steryotypes of the medeival period such as  superstition, witchcraft, cruelty and very low standards of reasoning.  This yound boy called Theodor encounters an angel named Satan which is even more ironic that it sounds because Satan the Angel seems to have a lot in common with Satan the Devil, but of course Theodor never realizes this. Theodor is enchanted with Satan, this divine, omnipotent and omnicient being, and hangs onto his every word. When Satan does "unethical" things, Theodor is shocked. Gradually, Satan bends his perception of morality by showing Theodor how worthless and stupid humans are. Satan at first seems wise and superior, but it's very unsettelling because he doesn't care what happe

War Storm

SOME SPOILERS AHEAD!! War Storm is the fourth and final book of the Red Queen series. Victory comes with a price. Mare Barrow discovered this the hard way when Cal betrayed her and almost killed her. Mare makes the decision to destroy the kingdom of Norta once and for all, beginning with the crown on Maven's head. She does that first in order to not get heartbroken again and ensure freedom for Reds and newbloods like her. However, no war is won alone, and before the Reds can unite, Mare must support the boy who shattered her heart to triumph against the boy who nearly broke her. Mare and the Scarlet Guard, combined with Cal's strong Silver allies, are formidable. However, Maven is so deeply obsessed with imprisoning Mare once again as his own that he would do anything to do so, including destroying everything and everyone in his way. All that Mare has battled for is at stake as a result of the impending war. Will winning be enough to overthrow the Silver kingdoms? Will the lit