Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within review by David Goggins - Aldo

This book by David Goggins has to be one of the best books for motivation. If you this is your first David Goggins book then I highly recommend it. I would say its better than the first one just because it talks more about compassion and still wanting to be the best but also wanting the best for those around him. You also see a lot of growth from David as an individual and you see him try and developed his winning mentality into something more elaborated.

The book itself is a great ways to help you reach your goals and examine your personality. The book overall helps you overcome your fears, how to use your emotions as fuel, how to break the mental wall you have created because of past trauma, and how to be a true self leader. I would this book is great for anyone who wants to better themselves and learn how to grow as a person.  I would give it a 9 out of 10


  1. Nice review Aldo! I really enjoyed Goggin's first book, and since you rate this one so highly I'll definitely check it out.

  2. I've heard of David Goggins before but never knew he wrote a book, much less more than one. I think he's a cool person and should check out his books. Great review!

  3. Hello Aldo, I struggle to find something to say. I can see that the title suggests that the book was very intense, so more detail could be interesting.

  4. Hi Aldo, based on the title alone I can tell that this book is very motivational. I liked how you describe some of the ways he tries to motivate you and make you a better version of yourself.

  5. Hi Aldo, I have heard about Goggins before and I was intrigued by your title post. The development of his mentality throughout the book seems interesting. Great review!

  6. I've only seen David Goggins on podcast and heard his life story. I never knew he read a book though.

  7. I have known who David Goggins is for a very long time, and am inspired by his life story of going from too overweight for the army, to running tons and tons of marathons by himself. I may read this book to learn more about him and his story. I may also read this for some life skills he has learned over the years that would be helpful for me.

  8. Hey Aldo, I have had the honor of having him motivate me through my weight loss journey though a digital device. I have always wanted to read this book because of the quotes I have seen online. David Goggins is person I look up to and hope to achieve his level of grit, discipline, and mental capabilities. This is an amazing review!


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